Swap function is in the CLP contract



/// @dev Swaps one token for another. The router must prefund this contract and ensure there isn't too much slippage.
function swap(bytes memory data, bytes memory path) public lock returns (uint256 amountOut, uint256 amountIn) 

It takes two inputs: data and path . data is a tuple of params require for swap.path is the sequence of token pairs that the user wants to take to get to the desired output token. The function returns the amount of output token received and the amount of input token consumed.

(bool zeroForOne, address recipient, bool unwrapVault, int256 quantity) = abi.decode(data, (bool, address, bool, int256));

zeroForOne is a boolean value that indicates whether the user wants to exchange token 0 for token 1 (if true ) or token 1 for token 0 (if false ). recipient is the address that will receive the output token. unwrapVault is a boolean value that indicates whether the user wants to receive the output token directly or receive it through a vault. quantity is the amount of input token the user wants to exchange.

SwapCache memory cache = SwapCache({
    feeAmount: 0,
    protocolFee: 0,
    feeGrowthGlobalA: zeroForOne ? feeGrowthGlobal1 : feeGrowthGlobal0,
    feeGrowthGlobalB: zeroForOne ? feeGrowthGlobal0 : feeGrowthGlobal1,
    currentPrice: uint256(price),
    currentLiquidity: uint256(liquidity),
    amountIn: quantity > 0 ? uint256(quantity) : 0,
    amountOut: quantity > 0 ? 0 : uint256(-quantity),
    totalAmount: 0,
    exactIn: quantity > 0,
    nextTickToCross: zeroForOne ? nearestTick : ticks[nearestTick].nextTick,
    limitOrderAmountOut: 0, //amount of output given by limitorder
    limitOrderAmountIn: 0, //amount of input limitorder consumed
    limitOrderReserve: zeroForOne ? limitOrderReserve0 : limitOrderReserve1

Then we initialize a SwapCache struct with a set of params. The SwapCache struct contains information about the current state of the token swap, including the fee amount, protocol fee, current price and liquidity, and the amount of input and output tokens. The values of these params are set based on the data and path parameters passed to the swap function, as well as other state variables such as price and liquidity.


Then we call the**_updateSecondsPerLiquidity** function, passing in the currentLiquidity property of the cache object as an argument. This function updates the secondsPerLiquidity state variable based on the value of currentLiquidity.

while ((cache.exactIn ? cache.amountIn != 0 : cache.amountOut != 0)) {

This is the main loop of the swap function. It continues to execute until either the input or output amount is zero (depending on whether the swap is for zero or one token).

SwapCacheLocal memory swapLocal = SwapCacheLocal({
        nextTickPrice: uint256(TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(cache.nextTickToCross)),
        cross: false,
        fee: 0,
        amountIn: 0,
        amountOut: 0

A new local variable named swapLocal is being created, which is an instance of a SwapCacheLocal struct. The struct is initialized with the values of nextTickPrice, cross, fee, amountIn, and amountOut. The value of nextTickPrice is set to the square root of the result of calling the getSqrtRatioAtTick function on cache.nextTickToCross. The values of cross, fee , amountIn , and amountOut are all set to 0.

require(cache.nextTickToCross != TickMath.MIN_TICK && cache.nextTickToCross != TickMath.MAX_TICK, "E4");